Rahasia Dibalik Rahasia

(M) manusia
(T)  Tuhan

M: Tuhan, bolehkah aku bertanya kepada-Mu?
T : Tentu saja boleh anak-Ku!
M: Tapi janji ya Kau takkan marah
T:  Ya aku janji
M: Mengapa kau ijinkan banyak HAL BURUK terjadi padaku hari ini?
T:  Apa maksudmu?
M: Aku bangun terlambat pagi ini.
T:  Ya, truss?
M: Mobilku mogok dan butuh waktu lama tuk menyala
T:  Oke, trus?
M: Roti yang kupesan, dibuat tak seperti pesananku, hingga ku malas memakannya
T:  Hmm, trus?
M: Akhirnya, saat aku di rumah, saat aku ingin sedikit bersantai dengan mesin pijat refleksi yang baru kubeli, tapi mati... Kenapa tak ada yang lancar hari ini Tuhan?
T:  Biar Ku perjelas kepada mu nak, Pagi ini ada malaikat kematian, dan aku mengirim Malaikat-Ku tuk berperang melawannya agar tak ada hal buruk terjadi padamu! Ku biarkan kau tertidur disaat itu...
M: Oooh, tapiii
T: Aku tak biarkan mobilmu menyala tepat waktu karena ada pengemudi mabuk lewat di depan jalan dan akan menabrak mu
M: *merunduk*
T:  Pembuat rotimu sedang sakit, Aku tak ingin kau tertular, oleh karenanya Ku buatnya salah bekerja
M: *tarik nafas*
T:  HP-mu Ku buat tidak menyala karena mereka PENIPU, Ku tak mungkin membiarkanmu teripu oleh mereka. Lagipula, bisa mengacaukan KONSTENTRASImu dalam mengemudi bila ada yang menghubungi mu kala HP menyala..
M: *mataku berkaca - kaca* Aku mengerti Tuhan
T: Soal Mesin pijat refleksi, Ku tau kau belum sempat beli voucher listrik. Bila mesin itu dinyalakan, maka akan banyak mengambil daya listrikmu, Ku yakin kau tak ingin berada dalam kegelapan di tengah malam
M: *menangis tersedu - sedu* Maafkan aku Tuhan...
T:  Tak apa, tak perlu meminta maaf.. Belajarlah untuk percaya kepada-Ku. Rencana-Ku padamu baik dari rencana-Mu sendiri. Yakinlah segala usahamu PASTI SUKSES! Belajar tuk selalu bersyukur atas APAPUN YANG TERJADI ... Karena semuanya akan INDAH TEPAT PADA WAKTUNYA...


(G) God
(H) human

H: God, may I ask You something?
G: Certainly!
H: But, promise me, You won't get angry
G: Yes, I promise
H: Why did You allow  many bad things happened to me this day?
G: What do you mean?
H: I came late today.
G: Right, then?
H: My car didn't work this morning dan needed a long time to make it working again..
G: Ok, then?
H: The bread that I ordered, was made not as what I have ordered... It made me didn't want to eat it.
G: Hmm, then?
H: On the way to home, my phone suddenly off when I was talking about big business..
G: Right, then?
H: Finally, when I arrived home, I wanted to relaxed with the massage machine that I've just bought, it didn't work.. Why did there isn't anything work smoothly?
G: Let Me make all things clear... There were angel of death this morning, and I sent My Angel to fought against angel of death so that there wasn't any bad thing happened to you.. I let you slept that time
H: Oooh, but..
G: I didn't let your car to work in the right time because there was a drunken driver passed by and going to crush you..
H: *head down*
G: Your bread maker was sick and I didn't want you to be infected by him.. So, I made him work incorrectly..
H: *inhale breath*
G: Your phone, I made it off because they are liar, I wouldn't let you laid by them... Also, it could unsettled your mind if someone calling you while you're driving..
H: *my eyes toiling* I understand God
G: About your massage machine, I knew you didn't have any time to buy the electricity voucher, if that machine turned on, it would use up much electic... I'm sure that you didn't want to be in darkness..
H: *crying*
I'm sorry God
G: Never mind, you don't need to ask for sorry to Me... Learn to believe in Me! My plans are better than yours... Believe that all of your effort will succes.. Learn to thanks about everything that have happened... BECAUSE ALL THINGS WILL BE BEAUTIFUL IN THE RIGHT TIME!!

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